Monday, November 19, 2012

Final 2 things

The last two projects due are as follows.

Auto-biographical Presentations will be given on the last day of class. They should be no more than 10 minutes long. They can/should include anything from childhood up to the work you did this semester. Please be sure to include inspirational figures, artwork or events.You may use Powerpoint,, Google Docs or whatever software you want, but it is up to you to figure out if it plays on a PC and if it plays in this room.

Portfolio Presentation Packet. This is a formal presentation of you and your work as though you are appltying for a job or intership or gallery application.  It should include letterhead and business card as well as your work professionally organized on a CD.  This means be consistant with sub-folders and file names. The CD should include your auto-biographical presentation. The packet should be an envelop or sleeve or box. Consider laser cutting to let your paper color show through. Be creative without being too cute! This will also be turned in on the last day of class.

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