Monday, November 19, 2012

Final 2 things

The last two projects due are as follows.

Auto-biographical Presentations will be given on the last day of class. They should be no more than 10 minutes long. They can/should include anything from childhood up to the work you did this semester. Please be sure to include inspirational figures, artwork or events.You may use Powerpoint,, Google Docs or whatever software you want, but it is up to you to figure out if it plays on a PC and if it plays in this room.

Portfolio Presentation Packet. This is a formal presentation of you and your work as though you are appltying for a job or intership or gallery application.  It should include letterhead and business card as well as your work professionally organized on a CD.  This means be consistant with sub-folders and file names. The CD should include your auto-biographical presentation. The packet should be an envelop or sleeve or box. Consider laser cutting to let your paper color show through. Be creative without being too cute! This will also be turned in on the last day of class.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Create at least 10 variations using your initials.
Create at least 10 variations using your name.
Create at least 10 additional variations on the above variations by now adding color.
Create at least 10 additional variations on the above variations by now adding line and shapes.

Bring all examples to class, but post your ten favorites to your blog.

ALSO 10 good examples and 10 bad examples.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Create a 13x19 self portrait using the techniques we have learned in Photoshop and Ilustrator. The final product will be a Photoshop document will be an 11x17 Photoshop document printed on 13x19 paper. 2" borders. Take advantage of layers to keep your content seperated for composition and rearranging.
Please use the letter of introduction written to me on day one as inspiration for the project.

These will be turned in printed. Print and paper quality are your responsibility! They will affect your grade.

These will be due in two weeks. October 31st!

The image of you must be done using the Ilustrator trace technique.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Text Drawing

Create 4 text drawings using the skills learned in class.
No Color
1. Expressive
2. Representational
3. Non-representational
4. 6 word auto-biography


Create a pattern in Illustrator that will be output on the laser cutter. Remember to think about how this process works. A pattern can't contain details within an enclosed area or eveything will be cut out. You must provide the paper.
Remember the details for the laser cutter are
Max size 18"x32"
File Format AI
R;255, B:0, G:0

Scanner Face

Scan your face in a smushy expressive way. Import/place the photo into Illustrator. Use the pen tool to create a self-portrait. Think from back to front.... large shape to details. Opacity and gradients are a big help.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Part one: Now that you have more practice using Illustrator, please revisit your symbol/pictograms. Make them more readable and understandable. The activity symbol should be simpl;e, but clear. Think of a school crossing sign with the sybols of the the kids. The self-portrait can be more detailed, but should still rely on shapes to build the image of you.... not brush strokes and flares. Part two: Creat a pattern in Illustrator on an 8.5 X 11 artboard in RGB mode. Remember these will be laser cut, so make sure your design won't fall apart when cut. The demo at the 3-D output center should make this more clear. We will look at these on-screen Monday and then take them to be cut at the end of class. BRING PAPER TO BE LASER CUT MONDAY!

Monday, September 24, 2012


Create two symbols or pictograms for homework. One that is a self-portrait and one that represents a favorite activity. Both can be done on one Illustrator file.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

For Monday 9/24

Please revisit the sites that you looked at in class related to the practice of Photoshop and ethics in the fashion and advertising industry. Form an opinion. Create a blog post with a picture and your response. List the five links you explored to do your research. Crazy
Create a new image that uses your Photoshop compositing skills and the type tool to change the meaning of a photo. Find and resize the background image first! Add to the photo to change the meaning. Explore the idea of combining time periods or clashing political views, changing a fist to a hand holding a flower... it's up to you. The final image should be at print resolution and must fit on an 8.5 X 11 piece of paper. We will view these on screen Monday.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Homework for 9/19/12

Print your latest composite at 9 inches high on paper large enough to have a one inch border on all sides. Print wherever you want, but quality is your responsibility. ALSO Put your two composites on your blog!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Composite Homework due Monday 9/17/12

For homework, do the same thing, but you must use your photos. I'll allow one internet photo, if it is something that you want to add that you couldn't photograph... like a dinosaur or a pink 57 Chevy. You must also include one self-portrait. This is open to interpretation, so it could be a shadow, a reflection, a head and shoulders portrait or a full length shot. It's up to you. Dimensions = 11X14 inches @ 200 ppi. Do not flatten! Background plus 7 additions!

Composite Image

In class create a composite image from images "borrowed" from Google. Set your background up first. 150 dpi and 10 inches at its longest dimension. Add five things from other pictures. Tips.... Pick a background picture that has room to add things. Find other pictures that have a similar lighht and objects that will fit your background. Remember what we learned in class about fethered edges, shadows, color balance, blur and sharpen... Do not flatten, save as TIFF.

Monday, September 10, 2012

First Collage

Today we learned about image size, resolution, scanning,file formats, layers, blending modes, opacity of a tool, opacity of a layer, transforming a layer and much more. For Wednesday I'd like you to make a collage using the pictures you took, and the scans you made of your sketches and found objects. We will view it on screen in class and then discuss printing options. Make the collage 10 inches in its longest dimension at 200ppi saved as a TIFF. You may use as many layers as you want, but no less than 6. Each collage must contain at least one sketch and one object scan.

Visual Studies Meeting

VS Student + Faculty Meeting scheduled for this Wednesday, Sept. 12, from 1:20 - 2:30 in Room B089.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

From Blackboard

Hello, Unfortunately I need to miss class on Wednesday because of a death in my family. Three things I'd like you to work on this week are.... 1. Continue to take pictures. We'll need a lot of pictures to work on throughout the semester, so having a good collection will help. Be sure to take lots of pictures that we can use for backgrounds and texture in digital collages and composites. Graffiti, peeling paint, cracked sidewalks etc. Also try a few self-portraits. I was told that there should be an identity theme to some of our projects, so these images may help. 2. On the left side of the TU Portal there is a link to If you haven't explored this please do ASAP. There's a wealth of information. If you search around you will find a set of videos on Photoshop CS6. There are even some on "What's new" in CS6. 3. There is a link on the class blog to a TED talk about copyright and appropriated imagery. We will use images from the web and I want to explore and understand what the rights and responsibilities of during that are. Watch it and please post a response on your blog. Please make sure to include a photo of the speaker in the post. You can find a picture of him on line, I'm sure. Here's the link, I'll put it on the blog too Have a good week and I'll see you Monday the 10th.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Larry Lessig TED Talk Please watch this presentation and create a blog post based on your feeling(s) about his views and yours about creativity in the age of re-mixing.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Walk Ride Bike

Get out of the dorms, out of your apartment and off campus and check out Philly! While you're out there, look around, breathe the not so fresh air, try new food, see some art and take 25-30 Photographs, create 3 sketches, gather 5 objects to scan. Blog about the experience and what you discovered. DON'T FORGET FIRST FRIDAY!!! I added a few sketches because they are good to scan and add to digital collages. They can be done over the weekend, but should be based on your walk.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Welcome to Foundation Digital Imaging. Each semester my students create blogs to share links, post responses to readings and shows and to share their projects. I hope you learn a lot and enjoy the class!